Civic Engagement
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The Nishkam Civic Engagement approach is about building relationships that encourage collaboration, participation, a sense of ownership and responsibility. We also focus on clarifying rights and accountabilities and addressing social justice in an equitable, collegial and systematic way.
Civic engagement is where people take, or are encouraged to take, an active role in the life and development of their communities. The essential components of this approach are firstly being aware of the issues that the community is confronting, whilst being able to step back and analyse the power dynamics and structures that have contributed to the issue.
Secondly, a well-meaning sense of empathy is encouraged. This helps to navigate, understand and appreciate difference, diversity, and sometimes, conflicting opinions to be able to take a ‘big picture perspective’ and worldview to enable a meeting of hearts and minds.
Road Map
Short-term Outcomes
Step 1
Foundation for meaningful engagement
Building and enhancing trust
- Through engagement and conversation build trusted relationships
- Share and disseminate information
- Link networks and stakeholders to promote collaboration
- Diversity of communities recognised and reflected
- Views begin to be heard and participation is apparent
- Civic engagement becomes norm and recognised
- Relationships are srtenghtened and developed
Step 2
Build infrastructure
and networks
Create a culture of engagement
- Community should be viewed as a valuable source of ideas transformation and leadership
- Meaningful engagement
- Involvement of communities in key decision making
- Invitations to participate in strategic activities
- Participation and innovation
- Leadership embraces and champions civic engagement
- Process is in place for participation codesign and cocreation
Step 3
Encourage diversity and participation
Community involvement in Leadership
- Community groups and individuals are involved in leading projects and work
Step 4
Long term strategy and measurement
Participation and involvement
- Look at involvement in civic life bringing faith and good human values to the forefront
- Community groups are actively involved in all walks of life
- People are aware how to get involved
- Community groups hold those in authority to account through meaningful dialogue
Long-term Outcomes
In the long term, we want there to be trusting relationships between faiths, communities, public agencies and stakeholders. This will allow values-based engagement and cooperation with shared responsibilities and accountabilities for all involved. Furthermore, we want there to be culturally responsive and appropriate outputs and outcomes, as well as ensure policy service provisions and engagement are more inclusive, equitable and transparent.