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Neighbourhood Integrated Care & Connectivity Project

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Nishkam is working as a consortium with the Nishkam Healthcare Trust to provide a wraparound holistic service where we provide support, emphasising early help within their various sectors, some of the ways we’re contributing include:

 1) Nishkam Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Service – Emphasis on engaging hard-to-reach areas of the community with high levels of stigma and providing counselling services.

 2) Nishkam Pharmacy – Screening of high-risk population for hypertension, obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, plus targeted group interventions for people already living with these conditions to support their ability to self-manage.

 3) Nishkam Schools project – Begin outdoor activities for children to improve mental well-being and reduce childhood obesity

4) NCA Well-being service – Physical activities & improving mental well-being for the elderly and most vulnerable

 5) NCA IAG service – Offering information advice and guidance services through the Community Safety Net project to address the wider determinants of healthcare

6) NCA South Asian Family Support Hub (SAFSH) service – Offering family support services through the SAFSH project to address the wider determinants of healthcare for families