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Zahid’s Story

Published 03/08/2023

Nishkam Civic Association

Read about Zahid’s story of coming to the Nishkam Centre for housing support 4-years ago and how the Community Safety Net team empowered and supported him throughout his time.

4-years ago, Zahid came to the Nishkam Centre for advice and guidance regarding his current living situation; where he was living in an overcrowded privately rented property which was worsening his pre-existing mental health conditions.

The Nishkam Community Safety Net team referred Zahid to an emergency local authority, where he was placed in shared temporary accommodation. Within days he returned to his unsuitable, privately rented property.

The CSN team continued to support and empower Zahid, assisting him with his local authority housing application, increasing his housing banding (giving him advanced priority on the housing register) and giving him full one-to-one support throughout his 4-years on the housing register, which ultimately led to him receiving a council property and growing his aspirations.

The CSN team met with Zahid at his new property to capture this special moment and discuss his plans for the future.

The video above highlights the impact the CSN team desires to make on every client, in this instance they encouraged and empowered Zahid throughout his 4-years with them, building his confidence and self-belief, leading to him enrolling into University to pursue higher education and inspiring his wife to do the same, creating positive change that will last generations, not only for Zahid’s family but also the wider community.

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